Sasana Yaung Chi Orphanage ∼ Myanmar

Just on the outskirts of Nyaung Shwe village near Inle Lake, one of the most famous tourist destinations in Myanmar, towards the Red Mountain vineyard and not far from the better known Brother Felice Tantardini orphanage, on a dirt cross road lies the Buddhist monastery Sasana Yaung Chi orphanage built in 2011.

sasana yaung chi orphanage nyaung shwe inle lake myanmar - children do matter

There are 150 orphans (120 + 30 added in 2018), all boys, ranging from age 5 to 15 years, divided exactly in 115 children and 35 child monks. As in the majority of orphanages in Myanmar, not all children are actually parentless. In fact some have been abandoned in the orphanage because they will have more chance to get something to eat and to receive an education.

monk orphans sasana yaung chi orphanage nyaung shwe inle lake myanmar - children do matter

At the direction of the orphanage there are 2 Buddhist monks, namely the headmaster and second headmaster. Two young teachers live perpetually in the orphanage that in addition to teaching mathematics, science and “English” to 150 orphans, have the task to supervise them. The level of English from the directors is non-existent, while that of the two teachers is so poor that it was necessary to bring someone in to help us to find out more about the sad condition in which the orphanage is.

orfani con giocattoli presso orfanotrofio sasana - children do matter

We visited the dormitories that are in disrepair: clutter and dirt are the first things that catch the attention of visitors. The children sleep without mattresses and some with only very light blankets. The dust can also be seen from the outset. In October 2017, we bought mattresses, bed linen, pillows, pillowcases and large containers for personal belongings for all the children. Although we have improved the standard of dormitories, bunk beds are needed so that children sleep separately and contagion of the ringworm, contact bacteria and scabies may be reduced.

dormitory sasana yaung chi orphanage nyaung shwe inle lake myanmar - children do matter

The status of children is not far behind. Unappealing, dirty clothes, some even barefoot. In our two visits, after a few days all of the children wore the same dirty clothes. But, what is most striking is a fungal infection on the heads and other body parts of these children. Nevertheless, the smiles and the joys of life are always with them.

These cute children attend the private school within the orphanage from Monday to Friday. Four teachers, already retired, attend every day as volunteers alongside the two existing, but still insufficient to provide an adequate education. Our mission was to provide books and other school supplies, but we were forced instead to buy medicines and basic necessities since already there are local volunteers who daily provide the meals and part of education.

school sasana yaung chi orphanage nyaung shwe inle lake myanmar - children do matter

We have done all we could to improve a little the conditions of these joyful orphans, giving them some toys to make them happy but mostly distributing medicines to treat the fungal infection of the scalp, gastric reflux, medicated soaps, toothpastes, toothbrushes for their daily hygiene. If you have planned a trip to Myanmar and think to go near the Inle Lake area, or if you are already in the neighbourhood and want more information, please contact us.

consegna saponi dentifrici spazzolini orfanotrofio sasana - children do matter

The aim of this project is to raise funds towards:


Maintenance of 2 women for the care of children and dormitories

Playground with swings, slides and other playground equipment

Medicines against ringworm, antibiotics, antipyretics, analgesics

Medicated soaps, toothpastes and toothbrushes

Dresses (T-shirt and shorts), socks and shoes

Actions already made:



75 bunk beds

Arrangement and painting of the 2 dormitories

33 mattresses, 30 pillows

70 pairs of shorts, 70 pairs of flip-flops

2 electric hair trimmers

Daily school trip by train to Kalaw and packed lunch


Replacement of 7 wooden bases in dormitories and assembly of a wooden platform at school

Cleaning, disinfestation, sterilisation of the dormitories and the purchase of the relative products

120 mattresses, bed linen, pillows and pillowcases

120 large containers for personal items such as clothes, books, etc.

88 dresses (T-shirt and shorts) + 240 pairs of flip flops

Installation of water pump, piping and electrical cables for the operation of the washing machine

Arranged a doctor to visit all the kids

Arranged for 2 women indefinitely for the care of the children, cleaning dorms and laundry

Medicines against fungal infection, ringworm, antibiotics, gastric reflux, antipyretic and analgesics

Medicated soaps, toothpastes and toothbrushes

If you want to help us fulfil our project, even a small donation will make a difference to ensure that these orphans have a better quality of life.

Our non-profit organisation uses 100% of the donations for charitable activities ensuring full transparency.

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